
How do you ask the right questions to make a hire?

We have all had the successful placement go through only to have the person leave the company within the refund period.  From my experience, in many cases, the clients share as much of the responsibility as we do.  Tony Robbins clearly defines what are 3 questions you ask each candidate to ensure a more successful hire.  It may be worth reviewing and use it to educate yourself, your recruiting staff, or even your hiring manager.  Here [ … ]

The 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting

  This is an excellent article outlining The 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting.  I believe that as we all progress in our recruiting careers the task get a bit repetitious and we begin to forget about these sins in recruitment.  Why not differentiate yourself?   The author takes the time to explain each sin and how to avoid it, so probably good for everyone to review, regardless of what level you are in your recruiting career. [ … ]

How to prepare for an interview.

Do what you would tell your candidates to do. It amazes us how many experienced, successful recruiters get rejected because they don’t follow the advice they give out all the time to the people they work with. This is Isn`t Tokyo Station Check out the location. Don’t only trust Google Maps or Apple Maps. Find out what is nearby. Find the nearest train station exit and work out how to get there in plenty of [ … ]

The right career change in recruitment.

What is a successful career change? It is all the little things that make the difference in choosing the right company Just making a placement is not what we count as success here at DS Recruit. For us it is about seeing our candidates do better than they were before. That means they bill more (and earn more!), get to lead, or build a team, and make a difference at their new company. To help [ … ]

The next hour could change my life – Interview tips

Feedback; we receive it every day from the clients and unfortunately, sometimes it is a rejection. Generally it is because of the certain things recruitment candidates just don’t prepare for. These are some basic questions that we as recruiters seem to answer very poorly. It is oftendown to lack of preparation, or maybe we believe just because we have recruited, it should be an open door. However, we are seeing more and more companies that [ … ]

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