Industry News

The 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting


This is an excellent article outlining The 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting.  I believe that as we all progress in our recruiting careers the task get a bit repetitious and we begin to forget about these sins in recruitment.  Why not differentiate yourself?   The author takes the time to explain each sin and how to avoid it, so probably good for everyone to review, regardless of what level you are in your recruiting career.  Here is a link to the article:

The 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting

Here is a summary of the deadly sins.

Recruiting Sin #7: Not following up and leaving candidates in the dark.
Recruiting Sin #6: Not being prepared for interviews.
Recruiting Sin #4: Blindly catering to the hiring manager’s whims.
Recruiting Sin #3: Not training your interviewers and letting them run amok.
Recruiting Sin #2: Selling a job that you know is not the right fit.
Recruiting Sin #1: Going on auto-pilot and forgetting your candidates are human.


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