
Boutique vs Mid Sized vs Large Corporate. Where would you go? Part 2: Large Corporate

Last time, we looked at the benefits of working for a boutique recruitment company. This time we focus on why working at a large corporate recruitment company is a good choice. Training Joining a large global recruitment firm will give you continuous ongoing training and development. Even as you move higher up in your organization, there is useful, recruitment specific training provided. We speak with senior people in these types of companies, and they sometimes [ … ]

Turnover in Recruitment

Turnover So, while sat at their desk week after week, there may be the occasional time a recruiter looks up from their computer to engage with the guy across the desk only to notice he is no longer there. They take a good look around the office and notice more unfamiliar faces. There is a pretty good chance they were not able to manage the  recruitment numbers. At DS Recruit, we do our best to map the [ … ]

Moving from Agency to In House. Is the Grass Greener on the other side?

So, you have been working Agency recruitment and everything seems to be dragging you down; the clients reason for rejection, the candidates not coming back to you, the relentless KPI`s….  This list seems to get bigger every week.   Is it time to think about going in house? Surely the grass is much greener. Working for a corporate has got to be better, regular money, less hours, and a better environment. Thinking long term, this has got [ … ]

Important spatial components of a good recruitment office.

We are in the middle of having a new office built for DS Recruit. Having worked out of a ground floor office on a busy road, and then a dark old house by the beach (big spiders, snakes, fleas…), followed by our current temporary office where a freaky black cat constantly tries to sneak in and hide under our desk line, we are pretty well positioned to tell you want you want to avoid in a [ … ]

Boutique vs Mid-sized vs Global Corporate. Where would you go? Part 1: Boutique

If it were you, which company would you choose? We have some pretty good client companies here at DS Recruit, and candidates often end up with a choice between two or three companies when they work with us. I usually can’t answer that question as the candidate is pretty much always in a different situation in their career and they have different aims, experience and skills to me. Over the next three weeks, I will [ … ]

Interesting Trends in Recruitment

25 interesting facts about Resumes, Recruiting and HR in 2016   Being in Rec to Rec we get some unusual requests from prospective candidates when we ask for a resume. These range from “please write it from my Linked In” to a stunned silence and then a “really, I’ve never written one before” and many more. It certainly makes for an interesting day. The facts below are targeted at corporate recruitment, but some of the below [ … ]

KPIs in Recruitment

Love them or hate them KPIs are an integral part of recruitment with most recruitment companies and are not going away. I thought I would put down some of the feedback and comments from everyday recruiters we interview. Being in Rec to Rec, one thing we hear in a lot of meetings meeting we do is that one of the most common reasons for wanting to leave their current company is. …Wait for it…. yes of [ … ]

So you guys have an office?

I pretty much always tell people in my first meeting or phone call that I am based in Miyazaki, Kyushu (That’s right. The place with the good chicken, steak, and expensive mangoes!) but often come to Tokyo for meetings. For some reason, many people seem to think we work from our bedrooms, dressed in undies and wife-beaters. They are often surprised to hear we have a team of five in our Miyazaki office and we [ … ]

Get Paid What You’re Worth: Advice from the 4 foot Mathematician

So many times we hear about Einstein and all that he did for humanity, but rarely do we think about the friends that surrounded him.  In the article, “Get Paid What You’re Worth: Advice from the 4 foot Mathematician”, we get a intelligent mathematician’s view of the work we do and the money we make for it.  One of the quotes that I really like is the following: “Money is a stupid measure of achievement, [ … ]

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