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Interesting Trends in Recruitment

25 interesting facts about Resumes, Recruiting and HR in 2016


Being in Rec to Rec we get some unusual requests from prospective candidates when we ask for a resume. These range from “please write it from my Linked In” to a stunned silence and then a “really, I’ve never written one before” and many more. It certainly makes for an interesting day. The facts below are targeted at corporate recruitment, but some of the below is relevant to us in R2R

Here are some interesting bits about resumes, recruiting and HR for 2016.

I hope they bring a few nods and a smile to your face  and see you thinking “yes, I have done this”.

  1. Mobile has made looking for jobs easier. Did you know that:
    • 41% of job seekers search for jobs while in bed
    • 38% search during their commute
    • 30% search for new jobs while at work
    • 18% search for jobs from a restroom (Source: Advisor) I have also had a couple of occasions to speak with candidates who answered the phone in the bathroom
  2. 2.Social media is becoming the go-to for recruiters and candidates. Did you know that 65% of recruiters use Facebook in recruiting? (Source:  com)
  3. 3. 79 % of candidates are likely to use social media in their job search (Source: com)
  4. 93% of companies use LinkedIn for recruiting
  5. 89% of recruiters have hired someone through LinkedIn.
  6. The average time spent by recruiters looking at a resume: 5 to 7 seconds. (Source: business2community.com)
  7. Did you know that 76% of resumes are discarded for an unprofessional email address? (Source: business2community.com)
  8. In 2000, 22% of resumes were submitted via email or posted on the web. In 2016, over 90% of resumes are now posted online or sent via email.
  9. A single mistake in your resume will prevent you from moving forward. 61% of recruiters will dismiss a resume because it contains typos. 43% of hiring managers will disqualify applicants because of their spelling mistakes. We very rarely get a resume from a recruiter that does not need some form of grammar or spelling correction.
  10. 53%. The percent of resumes and job applications that contain falsifications.  (Source: Statistic Brain)
  11. 70% of College Students surveyed who would lie on a resume to get a job they wanted (Source: Statistic Brain)
  12. While the average length of an interview is 40 minutes, 33% of 2000 surveyed bosses indicated they know within the first 90 seconds if they will not hire that candidate. Some of the reasons for this included:
    • 70% indicated applicants were too fashionable or trendy.
    • 67% indicated failure to make eye contact.
    • 47% of applicants who had little or no knowledge of the company. Nowadays with the prevalence of information available on the internet, this should not happen
    • 33% for bad posture.
  13. The average “bad hire” that leaves a company within six months costs the company approximately $40,000 USD in severance pay, training, wasted human resource time, possible search firm fees, loss of productivity and impact on employee morale.
    (Source: U.S. Department of Labor)
  14. Cost of turnover estimates the the USA range from $8,839 for an $8/hour unionized employee and $56,844 for a store manager in a retail grocery setting. (Source: “New Ideas for Retaining Store-Level Employees” by Dr. Blake Frank, University of Dallas, Coca-Cola Retailing Research Council.
  15. SHRM reports that more than 85 percent of large companies and a rapidly growing number of smaller employers perform some form of background screening today. The top areas for background checks include:
    • 93% perform checks on education history
    • 88% on employment verification
  16. 70 percent perform drug testing and checks of driving records
  17. Almost half of employers (45 percent) said that the time to fill open positions has grown since 2014. (Source: DHI)
  18. Nearly half (47 percent) said unfilled positions are staying open longer due to unmatched salary requirements. (Source: DHI)
  19. A majority of hiring managers (56 percent) predict unmet salary requirements means higher salaries for new hires in 2016. (Source: DHI)
  20. 200 million. Number of people who are inactive in the workforce or part time who could work additional hours through freelance platforms. (Source:  com)
  21. 38% of those surveyed consider employer branding to be one of the three most essential and long-lasting trends in recruiting for professional roles in 2016. (Source: com)
  22. 28% consider finding better ways to source passive candidates as one of the three most essential and long-lasting trends in recruiting for professional roles in 2016.
  23. 45%. How much of the workforce Millennials are making up now, making them the highest represented generation (Source:  com)
  24. A weak employer brand can cost you job applicants: About 11 percent of job seekers said they would decline a job offer from an employer with a bad reputation–even if they were unemployed. (Source: Glassdoor)
  25. When evaluating employers, there are 3 things that matter most to Millennials:
    • growth opportunities
    • retirement benefits
    • work culture. (Source: Glassdoor)


We  continue to see hiring challenges with fewer candidates, and the demand for lowering costs internally plus the ongoing growth of RPO here in Japan and elsewhere.  Internal Recruiting seems to be developing as employers try to compete for passive talent.

Let us know if the above points are true in your experience, and what other trends you see

Stats were compiled from various resources including: Monster.com, Audvisor, business2community.com, careerarc.com

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