
Controlling Interview Nerves

Everyone gets nervous before interviews. A little nervousness helps you focus and shows the interviewer you are interested in the company, but if you are too nervous it can derail the whole process. A good interviewer will help you to feel more relaxed, but there are several things you can do to control your nerves before and during an interview.

1. Prepare and Practice.

Have a look at these articles to help you get ready.

You can predict some of the questions and if you practice what you will answer, this can help you go in more comfortably.

2. Image Training.

Most recruiters I know would probably say this is bollocks.

Time permitting, I play a bit of golf. When I visualize that stinking ball going in the water, it usually comes to pass. On the flip side, when the putter is running hot, I often see that ball going in the hole before I take the shot. Same thing works in interviews for some people. If you see yourself answering the questions confidently and well, it can transfer into a good interview.

3. Deep Breathing (Abdominal breathing)

This is simple but effective. (This always helps me relax before I put the ball into the lake)

Breathe in slowly from the nose for about 5 seconds, hold the breath in your abdomen for 5 seconds, and breathe out slowly for about 5 seconds. Next, breath one time normally. Then, repeat the above breathing method several times. Try it. It works.

4. Stepwise Muscle Relaxation

Clench your fist with your thumb on the inside for five seconds. Then, release the tension and relax. It also helps to think of a positive image like acing the interview (or the relaxing sound of the golf ball plopping into the lake).

5. Music

Listen to relaxing music on the way to the interview. Now is not the time to put on your favorite Pungent Stench album. You want something to help you relax. Classical music is always a good one.

These hints should help you relax before the interview. Once you are finished, you can head down to the pub for a pint to take the edge off. Failing that you can head out to the golf course to perfect your technique for putting balls in the drink.

Below is a friend of DS Recruit showing the effects of having the pint too early and not practicing the relaxation techniques mentioned above

Ball in the Lake


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